Follow Glinda on Instagram at @safepathglinda
SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center is so excited to introduce you to the newest member of our team, Glinda!
Glinda, our Community Service Dog, is a two-and-a-half-year-old Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever mix providing assisted intervention services to children and families that visit SafePath. Glinda’s primary handler is Tiffany Webb, Ed.S., LPC, the Clinical Services Manager, at SafePath, and for now, Glinda spends her days at SafePath with Tiffany providing emotional support and comfort to children and families in a therapeutic setting. With the client’s approval, Glinda is present during therapy sessions, and at the client’s request, she sits beside them offering comfort with a paw or head on the lap when they experience distress. Glinda also visits with SafePath staff and multidisciplinary team members throughout the day to provide an outlet for comfort for those working in an environment that can be emotionally challenging and stressful. Glinda resides in the Webb home with Tiffany and her family, including her new dog brother, Dude, and a kitty friend, Bubbles! When Glinda is at home she likes to take off her service vest and chase tennis balls in the backyard with Dude, and lay beside her new family and get cuddles and pets while she naps.
Having Glinda in the office brings a smile to everyone’s face and we are so very grateful to the Northeast Cobb Business Association, also known as NCBA, who sponsored her and made this long-time dream come true. Our new Community Service Dog was made possible through funding from NCBA’s Annual 5K-9 road race that takes place right here in Marietta, GA. The race was founded when the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office lost one of their beloved canines, and NCBA wanted to aid the purchase of a service dog for the sheriff’s office. The event was a success and has continued to place service dogs within several Cobb county agencies and to individuals needing help. Glinda’s service at SafePath contributes to the well-being of the Cobb County community at large by aiding the agency’s mission of reducing the trauma to children and families by offering a comprehensive, professional, and child-friendly approach to allegations of child abuse.
Glinda’s Education
Glinda came to SafePath after being educated for two and half years with Canine Assistants in Milton, GA. Canine Assistants, established in 1991, is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people and dogs so they may enhance the lives of one another. They specialize in placing service dogs with people who have difficulty with mobility, epilepsy/seizure disorders, or Type 1 Diabetes as well as dogs in pediatric hospitals and similar community service facilities. Canine Assistants currently places between 75-100 dogs annually, and have placed over 1500 dogs since 1991. Glinda was educated using the Bond-Based approach, a philosophy rooted in the belief that mutually beneficial relationships are those in which trust confidence, and respect are combined to form deep, loving, meaningful, and lasting connections. This method will allow Glinda to endure her work with SafePath families for a long time.
For more information on Canine Assistants visit

Things Glinda likes to DO!
Meet new friends, especially children.
Chase tennis ballsPlay tug with her brother, Dude.
Go for a ride and take a walk at the park.
Get snuggles and pets.
Practice her skills.
Take lots and lots of naps.

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Glinda is such a wonderful dog!
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